
Middle and High School
The middle and high school youth usually meet twice a month after worship for fellowship, study and service. The ELCA hosts a national youth gathering every three years. The next one will be 2022 and we are already preparing for this! Youth also plan a worship service every year and use their gifts to serve the church through singing, assisting in worship, cooking the Easter breakfast, and other areas. Learn more about our Youth programs by emailing
Middle school youth take Confirmation classes in 7th and 8th grades, studying the Bible, along with The Ten Commandments, The Lord’s Prayer, The Apostle’s Creed, and The Sacraments. They are confirmed as adult members of the church on the last Sunday of October of their freshman year of high school. This is called Reformation Sunday–the day we celebrate the birth of the Lutheran Church by the 16th century Protestant reformer, Martin Luther. Email Pr. Linda at to find out more about Confirmation.