When you arrive at St. Luke’s, you will park behind the building and walk through double glass doors into a spacious Gathering area where you can connect and enjoy coffee. The sanctuary is beyond the gathering area, and has a traditional, yet inviting feel. Abstract stained glass windows surround the sanctuary, and you can find a seat in any of our wooden pews. You will find our worship has a blended style, with traditional Lutheran practices infused with modern energy and adaptations. Our pastor brings new life to old scripture with her thought-provoking messages and interpretations that fit our contemporary lives. St. Luke’s understands the importance and power of good music, so throughout the service you will hear beautiful solos and choir pieces. Our director of music teaches voice at SMU, so you will get to experience the wealth of his expertise.

Most importantly of all, at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church you will feel radically welcomed. Our church has officially joined with other Reconciling in Christ congregations for full participation of the whole rainbow of God’s people. We invite in absolutely everyone, including YOU, as stated in our welcome statement:

You are joyously welcomed into full and equal participation at St. Luke’s, regardless of ethnic origin, racial designations, social class, economic condition, sexual identity, gender identity, marital status, disability, age, mental health issues, criminal record, or religious background.
We hope that you will enjoy our church not only because of the wonderful worship service, but also because it is a place that openly and lovingly finds a place for all. St. Luke’s slogan is, Where Spirits Come Alive and when you worship with us, we hope your spirit will come alive with us, in love, hope and purpose.
Parking: The parking lot is located behind the building which you can enter from St. Luke’s Dr.
Have kids? We would love for them to join us!
Nursery: The nursery is down the hallway by the main entrance on the left side. Children ages infant to three are welcome We will have a lesson and they will be free to play there during the service!
Children in Worship: For the time being we ask that all children remain in their seats during the children’s message. Children K- 4th are welcome to join us, right after the children’s message in our Luke’s Learners Sunday School Class.
There are also books and worship bags in the entryway to the sanctuary for children that are joining you for worship. Worship includes a children’s message, and all children are welcomed to the front to hear the message from Pastor Linda. You can also bring your children forward for Holy Communion, and they can receive Communion as soon as you are ready for them too. We will do age-appropriate instruction as the kids grow up.
Questions? Contact us!