St. Luke’s has an active women’s organization affiliated with our national church, WELCA, which stands for Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. The women’s group hosts a holiday and a spring luncheon with a program in addition to the activities below.

Activity Day
A group of women meets on the first Thursday month for hands-on service, putting together quilts, school kits, and layettes used in refugee camps and disaster relief through Lutheran World Relief, Newcomers are always welcome! Connect with the women’s activities by emailing information@stlukeslutheranchurch.org.
Women’s Circles
Smaller groups of women meet monthly for Bible study and fellowship during the school using the Gather magazine put out by WELCA and there is always room for one more at the table! Groups meet Tuesday or Saturday morning. Connect with the women’s activities by emailing information@stlukeslutheranchurch.org.

Holy Readers Book Club
We meet on Zoom every other Monday night and will resume in late September. This group reads both fiction and non-fiction and has read Michelle Obama’s Becoming, as well as Barbara Kingsolver’s, The Poisonwood Bible. Email information@stlukeslutheranchurch.org to find out more!